Our QHSE policy

In this QHSE policy, the management of RECASE Regenerative Energien GmbH states that the quality of services, the health and safety of employees and environmental protection have the highest priority in all business activities. RECASE GmbH pursues the goal of meeting all QHSE issues together with all parties involved through proactive planning and responsible and considered action. This creates the basis
for safe, trusting and successful cooperation.

All of the objectives formulated in this QHSE policy are in the context of customer requirements and thus our ultimate goal of “customer satisfaction”.

Illustration showing the connection between the objectives in the QHSE policy formulated by RECASE. The focus is on customer satisfaction.

Q: Quality policy

Our quality policy is suitable for the purpose and context of our organization. It forms the framework for defining and reviewing quality objectives. We are committed to fulfilling the identified requirements and to continuously improving and developing the QM system.

We define our quality policy as part of our corporate duty of care with regard to the quality assurance of our services. The QM system is a description of the requirements we have defined and meets the requirements of ISO 9001. Its application ensures that all activities that have an impact on the company's performance are planned, controlled and monitored and that contractually agreed requirements are met.

The management obliges all employees and providers to carry out their activities in accordance with the descriptions of the QM system in order to ensure that the quality of our company's services meets internal and external requirements.

We provide all the necessary resources to fulfill the QHSE objectives. The stable quality of our services is one of the foundations of our successful business activities. For us, quality means meeting the requirements of our customers and interested parties in the best possible way.

In this sense, quality is an important criterion for our daily business and forms a reliable bond with our customers.

HS: Occupational health and safety policy

Our occupational health and safety policy is based on the goal of preventively protecting our employees from occupational accidents, illnesses and work-related health hazards. The safety of our employees and all persons associated with our services takes priority over all aspects of our business. The target and the goal we have achieved to date is the complete avoidance of accidents and incidents in connection with our services (zero-accident policy). We are guided by the recommendations of OHSAS 18001.

To achieve this goal, we have formulated principles and regulations that are regularly reviewed for appropriateness and effectiveness. An evaluation of any accidents that may occur is part of the annual management review.

The workplaces are equipped in accordance with the latest occupational safety findings. Appropriate work instructions are prepared for activities in our workshop or on construction sites and personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided that meets the requirements and is to be worn or used as intended.

All RECASE GmbH employees are trained accordingly and actively contribute to making the processes safe and thus ensuring the highest possible level of safety.

Activities under the influence of alcohol and drugs, in particular driving vehicles and operating machinery, are strictly prohibited. Violations of this are pursued with all available legal and labor law consequences.

Respect for human rights is a matter of course for us and is also mandatory under the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). For us, this means a ban on any collaboration with suppliers, customers or cooperation partners who tolerate or support any form of forced labor.

We maintain an open dialog with all parties interested in our occupational health and safety activities and cooperate openly with the relevant authorities.

E: Environmental policy

As a company that represents renewable energies, we are committed to protecting the environment. It is in our own interest to use valuable resources efficiently and sparingly.

We see ourselves as an innovative, future-oriented company and see it as a challenge to actively support the achievement of climate protection targets and thus contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Our environmental policy is aligned accordingly and is based on the ISO 14001 environmental management standard. As a service provider, we are generally integrated into the environmental management systems of our clients and proceed accordingly.

All of our employees are actively involved in implementing our environmental policy and therefore act as role models to the outside world.

We actively communicate with all interested parties on the topics of the environment and climate protection and provide information on our environmental performance.

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